英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 14:52:31

give way

英 [ɡiv wei]

美 [ɡɪv we]

撤退; 让路; 屈服; 失去控制; 倒塌
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1. stop operating or functioning

e.g. The engine finally went
The car died on the road
The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town
The coffee maker broke
The engine failed on the way to town
her eyesight went after the accident

Synonym: failgo baddiegive outconk outgobreakbreak down

2. end resistance, as under pressure or force

e.g. The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram

Synonym: yield

3. move in order to make room for someone for something

e.g. The park gave way to a supermarket
`Move over,' he told the crowd

Synonym: move overgiveease upyield

4. break down, literally or metaphorically

e.g. The wall collapsed
The business collapsed
The dam broke
The roof collapsed
The wall gave in
The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice

Synonym: collapsefall incave ingivebreakfounder

1. 让行:注意各个路口地面的让行(give way)标志,不要抢道,看到行人优先过街的标志一定要等待无人时才可行驶. 不要闯单行线,也不要太慢,30英里限速你跑15英里肯定没戏,不要频繁变道,如果前车慢下来了,右边快车道空着,不要变道,慢慢的跟着就行了.

2. 快车先行:23、Lost and Found 失物招领处 | 24、Give Way 快车先行 | 25、Safety First 安全第一

3. 让路,让步:by the way 顺便提一下,另外 | give way 让路,让步 | in a way 在某点,在某种程度上

There is a zebra crossing but cars will never stop and give way.(马路上有斑马线,但是汽车永远不会停下来让路。)
The first is that the dollar's global monopoly will give way to a duopoly of the dollar and the euro.(第一种情况是美元的全球垄断地位,将让位于美元和欧元的双寡头垄断。)
He should give way to a younger, more decisive leader.(他应该让位给一位更年轻、更果断的领导者。)
The main thing is not to give way to a famous authority but courageously defend your opinion.(关键要记住不要屈服于权威,要勇于保持自己的观点。)
After a while all these sensations will subside and will give way to stillness.(过一会所有这些感觉都会消退,让位于宁静。)
The activism of the last two years is likely to give way to paralysis in the next two.(未来两年内,过去的能动主义可能会让位于消极无为。)
I look at Neal.I see the puzzled look in his eyes give way to sadness.(我看了看Neal,看见他困惑的眼神中流露出的悲伤。)
After 1815 this older form of manufacturing began to give way to factories with machinery tended by unskilled or semiskilled laborers.(1815年后,这种古老的生产方式开始让位于那些由无技能或半熟练工人操作机器的工厂。)
Small changes will give way to broader shifts.(微小的变化将会让位于更为广泛的变化。)
Most experts agreed that the rally will eventually give way to a pullback.(多数专家都赞同,回升终将带得牛回头。)
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